14 February 2024
Keep Fraud Smart!
Ahead of Valentines Day FraudSMART are urging people to take care when it comes to meeting people online. Online dating is hugely popular and can be a fun way to meet someone, but it is important to know how to spot the warning signs of a romance scam so that you can keep your savings – as well your heart – safe.
Fraudsters use online dating sites and apps to gain trust and build up a relationship and emotional connection with their victim. They will often devote months to this process, after which time they will create a scenario in which they urgently need money. In most instances they won’t actually ask for money directly but will use manipulative and emotive language that persuades the victim to willingly transfer money. Examples of the stories scammers spin can include claims they need funds for medical treatment for a family member or expressing a desire to visit and meet in person but they can’t afford the flights.
Watch out for red flags:
- Conversation on the dating app quickly moves to direct text messages.
- Despite weeks or even months of communication, the love interest avoids video calls and meeting up with elaborate excuses.
- The conversations focus on you. You are asked all the questions, but you have little personal knowledge about the other person.
- An urgent need for money because of an emergency or tragic family story.
FraudSMART your Heart Tips:
- Be careful what you share on social media and online dating websites. Do not reveal your full name or home address. Protect your identity.
- Be wary of anyone asking lots of questions about you but not revealing much about themselves.
- Use a reputable dating site and use their messaging service. Do not move to social media or texting too quickly.
- Never send money or give your bank details to somebody you have never met, no matter how much you believe and trust them.
- Do not send money to purchase flights, or VISAs or pay customs fees for them to visit you.
- Remember individuals can pretend to be anyone they want to be online. You should google an image to see if it comes up on several sites or profiles.
- Never provide copies of your personal documents such as passports or driving licenses.
- If you think you have fallen victim, contact your bank immediately, the quicker you act the better chance of recouping any lost funds
More information can be found here: FraudSMART your heart against romance scams this Valentine's - FraudSMART